Archive for April, 2012

Legal News W Va Woman Fights to Collect $10 Million from Debt Collectors – Source ABC

Wednesday, April 25th, 2012

Source : ABC News Two years ago, a debt collector with a company called Reliant Financial Associates, or RFA, left a message implying that her house was in jeopardy if she didn’t pay a debt. The message stated: “I’m calling in regards to a preliminary asset liability investigation. They are in the process of serving […]

Lawsuit News Defective Children’s Products and Dangerous Toys Can Cause Child Injuries

Monday, April 23rd, 2012

When our child has a birthday, family members and friends always have the best intentions when they bring a gift for occasion. Unfortunately, though, parents can’t be too careful about safety and must examine anything given to the birthday boy or girl, before the child is allowed to play with it, right down to the […]

Press Release For Vets An Inside View of the Veterans Benefits Claims Process

Sunday, April 22nd, 2012

Story By LawWireNews An Inside View of the Veterans Benefits Claims Process After ten years of the United States’ military engagement in Iraq and Afghanistan, most Americans have heard about the types of wounds that Veterans are facing-and surviving-with head injuries being the most common. What most people don’t know about is the staggering number […]

LawWireNews Think motorcycle riders are to blame for their accidents

Wednesday, April 4th, 2012

By LawWireNews Social media For Lawyers Imagine that you’re riding your motorcycle and approaching an intersection. You see a car heading toward your from the opposite direction. Suddenly, the driver turns left and into your right-of-way. You apply the brakes and put the bike down. The car drives off and you are seriously injured through […]

  • April 2012
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